Are you willing to be in some level of movement within your marriage? We can get caught up in thinking that MARRIAGE is centered around this great DAY and the pomp and circumstance & the feelings it invokes BUT marriage is not just a ceremony. Marriage in itself is a living ORGANISM comprised of two individuals who have made a COMMITMENT to each other for a cohesive manner to be expressed.
Marriage and everything that comes with it has to be in some state of action so that you know IT is alive. Would you like to be ANYTHING that is not responsive to you and what you wish to accomplish? Any relationship needs PARTICIPATION in order for it to be viable regardless if it is PERSONAL or BUSINESS. But our focus in this post is on the ULTIMATE commitment that is stated between two persons and that is the covenant that you have entered into with EACH OTHER!
It is not a feeling you DESCRIBE but it is an undertaking that has a certain weight to what you have entered into. WE are here to help with how you NAVIGATE your relationship as we have COACHING & MENTORING programs that are there to be an added value of what you are WORKING THROUGH. The atmosphere of GROWTH is always attainable based upon who you HAVE IN YOUR EARS. Give yourself as a COUPLE the opportunity to have QUALITY INDIVIDUALS who will listen and share accordingly based upon what is shared.
So have you taken ADVANTAGE of getting your access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course for only $179 TODAY! Not only it is a great EXERCISE of recognizing how MONEY is an overall factor within a relationship but by having these relevant conversations, YOU begin to grow in the possibilities of how you will handle MONEY together! We appreciate you stopping by & Blessings!
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Your ACTIONS will always speak LOUDER than your words so make them count accordingly!