Faith and Forgiveness are some of the keys that we may not always use in our relationships. WHY? Without having FAITH in your relationship in the direction of where it is going and/or in your PARTNER that you picked, it will create a rift that must be healed in a quick and cohesive manner. Now you must have FORGIVENESS to be present as well because there will BE MOMENTS that cause some discomfort as you GROW together. Also as it is a necessary part of FAITH, FORGIVENESS allows for you to acknowledge all of your shortcomings while moving forward in the shortcomings of your spouse/partner. * We can get FULL of ourselves at times when we think we can move without these components. The ability to navigate with these components builds not only your vibration within your relationship BUT it gives you the tools to create a great BUSINESS ACUMEN as well. * But when you utilize them properly, they can accentuate the various relationships to a higher level and capacity. WE share here that you must use the processes of a SUCCESSFUL LIFE in order for sustainability in your respective lives to happen. * The beauty is that we can access them at any time when WE let go of our respective EGOS! So now you can get your access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The CourseTODAY so that you will see how you can activate and grow your FAITH & FORGIVENESS as you manifest the destiny you are on with your partner! Continued Blessings! * #powercouple#king#queen#mentors#mindset#ministers#teachers#transformation#couples#business#fitness#health#wealth#makingmoneywithyourhoney#marriagespecialists#the4As#7ways#couplegoals#cherylaclarke#gregclarkemoneymindset#couplemotivators#hurtingtohealing#conversation#seminar#connection#possibilities#class#courses
You must have a relationship that you can EXPRESS your AFFECTION to each other! It is apart of having a SUCCESSFUL LIFE!
The reason for this post is about those aspects of your path as a couple that you need to CONTROL and those areas that have to be CONFRONTED! When it comes to your communication with EACH OTHER, that is an aspect of control! Why?You control how you are going to SPEAK to each other and keeping the lines open and endless.
Now when it comes to your MONEY MEASURES, it is an aspect that lands in the area of how it should be confronted. Why? Because if you are not focused on growing your resources and being accurate with what you have then you will not have the growth potential in your legacy building activities.
Now as you start to think about the areas that you have control over and those that you must confront, the power to change is also stimulated by WHO IS IN YOUR COLLECTIVE EARS! This is where WE come in….we understand that the ability to have a COACH/MENTOR in your path means you have extra eyes to keep you to TASK in order to build a life that is worth living in a healthier and wealthier manner.
Expectations can be pitfalls due to the lack of communication within them. Some can be silent and some may be overt but the barriers created can be wide. We teach you to USE these expectations through ACTION & COMMUNICATION while fulfilling the WHY that you have decided to be together. It takes the concerted effort of BOTH OF YOU in order to see the true fruits of the labor exerted. By keeping the lines open and honest, we can eliminate some of the occurrences and live fuller experiences.
Take some time today since you are HERE and get your ACCESS to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course! The WHY is very obvious, this course will help you to CONFRONT those things you may have put to the side and start to get a better CONTROL of those things that are in your view! We appreciate you visiting us and Continued Blessings!
When you can recognize that you are not in a relationship to CHANGE the other person then you can start to have a True Experience with that person. Every step of the relationship as you evolve will mean that you are moving towards a more refined experience in your respective path as an individual and as a couple.
We know that there have been times when we want something ready made or just to our expectations but real relationships do not appear like this. IT TAKES WORK along with compromise as an ingredient.
By representing yourself as genuinely as possible gives the other person ample opportunity to see what they are getting into and make a decision. Today should be the day that you make the decision to invest in your relationship at a level of playing at 100%…not 50 or 70 but at a 100; that is on BOTH PARTIES to play at this LEVEL!
You are at the RIGHT PLACE and at the RIGHT TIME to develop your relationship through conversations, actions and responsibilities that you will learn with US right here on this platform. Get your access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course to work with your development as a couple!
The ability to give your 100% in anything is paramount for the actions to be recognized and respected but when it comes to our personal relationships …DO WE?!
It takes a big responsibility to say that I AM willing to give my BEST in a relationship. Teddy Pendergrass sang it effectively in one of his greatest hits when it comes to what you are giving in a relationship (Do your research and listen to the song) but it is a very viable question to be discussed.
When you can look your partner/spouse in the face and you know that you are navigating at 100 then if that other person can respect and feel that…it is their responsibility to DO THE SAME! As a couple that was raised during the Golden Era of Hip-Hop, we know that there isn’t HALF-STEPPING in a successful relationship.
By realizing that what you would WISH from someone is WHAT you must bring to the table gives the situation the added credence it deserves. We are here to assist those couples who wish to have their BEST LIVES represented in their relationships so that the legacies brought forth are spectacular.
Thanks for stopping by and make sure you get your $29 Bundle of the S.W.A.G. Planner and the 7 Ways to Make Money With Your Honey e-book TODAY! Blessings!