We are going to talk about destructive behaviors that you may be having in your relationship that are destroying not just your relationship with your spouse but all your relationships. It can be exacerbated during this holiday season that’s why we chose this topic because we are in this fourth quarter and people are still allowing themselves the opportunity to be a blessing to each other and relationships can get strained during the holidays.
We invite you to become a part of the Couple Motivators community. By doing so, when we start having our workshops in 2022 you’re going to be one of those that will get the first crack. Just go to www.gregandcherylclarke.com and sign up to become a part of our mailing list and also if you haven’t gotten our great book, The Power of the Four A’s. It’s an amazing read and it will really impact your married life.
“I’m learning that everything doesn’t always come back the way you send it. Sometimes, love is more brick and less boomerang.”
Rudy Francisco
Every relationship has its quirks and challenges. One person might be an extrovert and the other, an introvert. Someone might be enthusiastic about pop culture while the other person prefers international news.
During the honeymoon phase of the relationship, these differences are oftentimes overlooked or jokingly referred to as ‘cute’. But what happens after the love chemicals wear off? When cute becomes frustrating, what sort of conflict resolutions do you adopt? Simply put, you lead with acceptance. Here’s what that looks like:
In the book, The Power of the Four A’s, relationship motivators Greg and Cheryl Clarke goes into depth about the importance of acceptance. The text guides readers step-by-step on how acceptance starts with self and extends itself in your relationships. These actionable steps include the following:
1. Monitor Your Silent Expectations
Silent expectations are unspoken thoughts and feelings of how you think things should be. They can lead to feelings of resentment and unhappiness in your relationship. To combat silent expectations, try doing a self-check-in and ask yourself if you shared your desires with your partner and they agreed to be more intentional? If yes, then a follow-up conversation needs to happen. If not, then a conversation around both your desires should occur.
2. Monitor Your Negative Spin Cycle Thoughts
If during a disagreement you find yourself using absolute phrases such as ‘you always…’ or ‘you never,’ or if you begin thinking these thoughts repeatedly, try taking a pause. Negativity can show up as a form of protection. To better assist you in switching the narrative of these thoughts, try replacing them with a positive aspect you enjoy or appreciate about your partner.
3. Monitor Living in the Present
If you are holding on to a painful experience or memory you have of your partner you are living in the past. Holding on to mistakes as evidence to prove a point doesn’t give the relationship or your partner room to grow. If you find yourself triggered by something your partner says or does, acknowledge your feelings and try to shift your thoughts to the present. Think about how he/she has tried to change and grow.
4. Monitor how you are Showing Empathy
When tensions are high, try putting yourself in your partner’s shoes. Pause and ask yourself, “Am I truly hearing what he/she is saying?” Consider what they need at the moment and offer it to him/her.
Relationships can be challenging. They take effort and intentionality to be successful and long-lasting. When couples unite, greatness is bound to happen. To learn more about the four A’s and how to take your relationship to the next level, check out this page.
The same way we need plants to SUPPLY some of our nutrients, we must be responsible concerning our inputs in our respective relationships. What we SHARE in our relationships is beyond what you are just GIVING…let us go further! DO you know that you can give something without actually sharing it? An example is that YOU can be in a room full of people but if your MIND is not there then technically you are not THERE AS WELL! Another example that can be shared is when someone would love for you to SUPPORT them at an event but you may just purchase the ticket or send someone else in their stead…now you did GIVE something but you did not SHARE yourself in the experience. * * Support is a necessary component for a relationship’s survival and without it then it would be better to be alone. SUPPORT is showing UP and being present or making the time to be at the GAME/EVENT for a child who is in participation in an opportunity. WE can always show our resolve in seeing others THRIVE as we actually make the decision to be there FULLY! We have coached, mentored and counseled many couples and THIS comes up ALL OF THETIME!
As we honor the exploits of Chadwick Boseman, it brought us to task in regards to his career and the defining roles he played and the feelings of gratitude that he invoked while on this plane. He not only was a well regarded actor but he represented his community in a REGAL manner. His body of work will be remembered through the annals of time as we are in an age where his contributions will be regarded.
BUT it has us thinking about the WAY that we are utilizing the POWERS that were given to EACH OF US! He played T’Challa, first as the Crown Prince then as the Ruler of the fictional Marvel Kingdom of Wakanda! This is the ROLE that he will be most remembered but it do we use our POWERS to leave a lasting legacy that others can see and feel the impact…we ALL come from the same source even though we can choose to be GREAT or not!
The purpose of manifesting and developing the POWERS (talents) that we have is to not only have accolades but to be able to contribute to the greater society around ALL OF US! Here are some questions that you can ask yourself:
Do you know your own talents (POWERS)?
Do you USE them?
Are you contributing to your COMMUNITY in a worthwhile way by using your talents?
If you know your talents, are you COMBINING them with other GREAT ONES to build and develop?
Will the WORLD remember your NAME when it is all SAID & DONE?
The reason for these questions are not only for YOU but this is something that WE are answering as we continue to develop and help individuals and couples because WE know that our previous accomplishments are now in the past tense. We must assist on a DAILY BASIS those who are connected with US to not only be their best selves PERSONALLY but to leave a greater impression on their respective communities. WE appreciate those who have chosen to be apart of our community and we hope those who are HERE will help to spread the message so that we can ALL grow. The benefits outweigh the work invested due to see the fruits of your very labor.
If you have not received your access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course then take your OPPORTUNITY by clicking the words to get yourself started with your spouse/partner/boo/etc. for only $179! YOU AREWORTH THE INVESTMENT in developing your POWERS! Grow your legacy today by understanding your potential of GROWTH through application and study! Blessings!
WE are COMBINING our POWERS! We are here to make sure that you are doing the SAME with your CHOSEN PARTNER in LIFE!
Change and evolution are two different characteristics that lead to distinct outcomes. You can CHANGE your clothes but it will not lead to a state of EVOLUTION. Also, you can EVOLVE from one stage to another and depending on the individual they may not CHANGE as a particular past occurrence is blocking the phase to occur.
When we enter certain situations, we can INFER our own beliefs within the context of a relationship which can damage the potential. This is why we make the distinctions between change and evolution so you can SEE that as you EVOLVE as a couple, the focus is never about CHANGING your partner. NO ONE IS PERFECT and in so many ways, our GREATNESS is stimulated via our imperfections as we seek to GROW!
GROWTH happens when we allow ourselves to experience the relationship through the patterns that can occur instead of putting expectations upon it. By being in communication and staying in a true COHESIVE state, you will never seek to CHANGE your partner because there are certain qualities that had you to connect with that person. But as you are to naturally grow together, EVOLUTION has to kick in because you may have met someone in their 20s and grow forward and see them in their 40s still acting like they are in their 20s; someone has been on PAUSE for too LONG!
Here is your chance to get access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course for only $179 by clicking right here or in the pictures. The power starts to grow when you are on a constant path of development and WE are here to SERVE YOU and look into our coaching programs as well SINCE YOU ARE HERE! Blessings!
Once you accept that you cannot half-step through life especially in your relationship then you are ready for success. Have you ever had WARM TEA? It is not as satisfying as it would be if it was HOT or COLD so why would you give a lukewarm experience or effort in your relationship?! WE know that it takes work and focus to have a great relationship & by accepting the facts that you must be at a 100 means you are ready for the total experiences that can be created.
Success is not about material things because it includes how you are being stimulated in your personal environment. To be successful in your business endeavors (not just making money), you must have some aspects of your personal life that influence how you interact with people with the necessary DRIVE to create the LEGACY that you can be known for.
The process of understanding that there are no MID-POINTS is one of the building blocks to a great life for you and those connected around you. The same way if you are ANY TEAM, you would wish for your teammates to be PLAYING at 100% or more to achieve the end result…so the same PASSION & RESOLVE must be established in your HOME TEAM (you and your partner/spouse). When your focus is committed then the WORK may not be as HARD as you would assume it to be. By having US as your coaches/mentors for your path is also a necessary step in keeping you focused on the appointed GOALS that you can achieve by creating a new avenue of purpose and that is what WE PROVIDE!
Now is an excellent opportunity to get your access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course which will assist in your knowing that NO MID-POINTS ARE ALLOWED in your path; you must be IN OR OUT in order for your actions to be defined. Blessings and can’t wait to hear how this COURSE has helped you in your relationship!