Once you accept that you cannot half-step through life especially in your relationship then you are ready for success. Have you ever had WARM TEA? It is not as satisfying as it would be if it was HOT or COLD so why would you give a lukewarm experience or effort in your relationship?! WE know that it takes work and focus to have a great relationship & by accepting the facts that you must be at a 100 means you are ready for the total experiences that can be created.
Success is not about material things because it includes how you are being stimulated in your personal environment. To be successful in your business endeavors (not just making money), you must have some aspects of your personal life that influence how you interact with people with the necessary DRIVE to create the LEGACY that you can be known for.
The process of understanding that there are no MID-POINTS is one of the building blocks to a great life for you and those connected around you. The same way if you are ANY TEAM, you would wish for your teammates to be PLAYING at 100% or more to achieve the end result…so the same PASSION & RESOLVE must be established in your HOME TEAM (you and your partner/spouse). When your focus is committed then the WORK may not be as HARD as you would assume it to be. By having US as your coaches/mentors for your path is also a necessary step in keeping you focused on the appointed GOALS that you can achieve by creating a new avenue of purpose and that is what WE PROVIDE!
Now is an excellent opportunity to get your access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course which will assist in your knowing that NO MID-POINTS ARE ALLOWED in your path; you must be IN OR OUT in order for your actions to be defined. Blessings and can’t wait to hear how this COURSE has helped you in your relationship!
To keep the SPARK alive in your relationship, you must allow for the avenues that brought you TOGETHER in the first place. The life that has sprung forth from your UNION has to be cultivated for it to continue to blossom for your collective LIFE to flourish.
So at least ONCE a WEEK, you must carve out the TIME to spend just with EACH OTHER. This DATE NIGHT could be spent outside or even just creating a space within your home just to show that you are thinking about your partner. Now depending upon the length of your relationship and/or your listening skills, you should be able to figure out what works as a EXPRESSION for your respective situation.
Some examples can be: Taking that STROLL just to enjoy each other’s company, binge that SERIES that you may have been discussing, make it a creative COOKING NIGHT where you explore new possibilities and create the necessary spaces where you are enhancing the path that the two of you are walking! Your world is shaped by your DECISIONS, your OUTLOOK, and the partner you interact with along with your FAITH. The growth you wish to have in all aspects of your experience is based upon what LIFE you wish to have!
You can only grow with someone who is on your LEVEL, it allows the relationship to grow and keeps the VIBRATION workable for both parties. Find your level and grow accordingly! Now to continue to develop this SYNERGY in your relationship, WE know that you should complete the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course and gain your ACCESS TODAY! You can click the LINK right here or in the pictures within this post! We appreciate your connection with us and let’s US continue to build with you as your COACHES/MENTORS within this platform! Continued Blessings!
We are your MASTER COACHES! We are here to serve you to assist in your overall development!
The reason for this post is about those aspects of your path as a couple that you need to CONTROL and those areas that have to be CONFRONTED! When it comes to your communication with EACH OTHER, that is an aspect of control! Why?You control how you are going to SPEAK to each other and keeping the lines open and endless.
Now when it comes to your MONEY MEASURES, it is an aspect that lands in the area of how it should be confronted. Why? Because if you are not focused on growing your resources and being accurate with what you have then you will not have the growth potential in your legacy building activities.
Now as you start to think about the areas that you have control over and those that you must confront, the power to change is also stimulated by WHO IS IN YOUR COLLECTIVE EARS! This is where WE come in….we understand that the ability to have a COACH/MENTOR in your path means you have extra eyes to keep you to TASK in order to build a life that is worth living in a healthier and wealthier manner.
Expectations can be pitfalls due to the lack of communication within them. Some can be silent and some may be overt but the barriers created can be wide. We teach you to USE these expectations through ACTION & COMMUNICATION while fulfilling the WHY that you have decided to be together. It takes the concerted effort of BOTH OF YOU in order to see the true fruits of the labor exerted. By keeping the lines open and honest, we can eliminate some of the occurrences and live fuller experiences.
Take some time today since you are HERE and get your ACCESS to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course! The WHY is very obvious, this course will help you to CONFRONT those things you may have put to the side and start to get a better CONTROL of those things that are in your view! We appreciate you visiting us and Continued Blessings!
Teamwork is a constant flow of conversation and action. The greatest TEAMS had someone guiding how they interacted with each other and how the responsibilities where shared and that is the HEAD COACH! We could share many different names of great coaches (male and female) but they all have one thing in common…they were able to MOTIVATE those with whom they coached.
The ability to break down the word TEAM but as an acronym for your relationship will stimulate a perspective that goes beyond the norm:
T is for TOGETHER – If you are not working in synergy then there will be division within the very essence of what you are attempting to build.
E is for EACH – We recognize that there are individuals who are coming in a common union to produce what they have decided to entail and to grow towards.
A is for ATTRACTS – Within your respective relationship, each participant is attracting something towards the relationship that give this situation LIFE. Now if you are not attracting for the benefit of the relationship then you are undoing the energy that produces the union in the first place.
M is for MANIFESTATION – The reason why anyone forms a TEAM is to WIN at something! It could be a GAME, it might be in BUSINESS but within a relationship the manifestation is what is produced through the union. It will include your children along with how you are navigating in a cohesive manner and even the very orderly structure of allowing each other’s talents are recognized and implemented.
Now if you do not have wise counsel around to help with the dynamics, you can end up wasting some time and energy. A COACH/MENTOR will help to assist in giving you the PLAN and the PLAYS for your successful execution through guidance of what they have experienced with the instruction to share for your growth.
Having individuals in your life who are willing to challenge and encourage is paramount for success in any aspect of your respective lives. YOU are here to find out and to implement the strategies that will help YOU grow in your individual and collective lives.
So take this opportunity to get your ACCESS for $179.00 of the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course while you are here today! There is NO better TIME THAN THE PRESENT to grow and expand within your relationship! MAKE YOUR MOVE TODAY! Blessings!
Often in relationships, we set expectations on how we want our spouse to be and that is not a healthy relationship. We must love our spouse without expectations otherwise it will lead to disappointments and heartaches.
A Husband and wife need unconditional love from each other. What does this look like?
Your spouse should know that you love them for who they are and not for what they can do. For example, Greg is smart and is great with numbers but that isn’t why Cheryl loves him. “I love him because he is Greg throughout his weakness and imperfections,” said Cheryl.
Often times we try to create an ideal picture in our mind of how a perfect partner should be but don’t you want a spouse that is real to who they truly are?
After all, most of your expectations are based on the outside world that does not really matter in your relationship. How sad would it be if your spouse, the love of your life is someone that you feel uncomfortable to express yourself to? It is a disaster and it will just not work! Most of the time this bad habit can lead to comparison, unrealistic expectations and unfair judgments.
It is not fair to expect our spouse to change according to our standards. Thinking that it should be that way just because it is convenient for us. We sometimes forget that as humans we have a different clock to progress, grow and become the best versions of ourselves depending on our knowledge, abilities, and talents, amongst others.
Starting from now you will try your best effort to learn to accept your partner as human beings who make mistakes and unique as they really are.
As the old saying goes, nobody is perfect. Even the smartest person in the world is far from perfect so it is foolish to give up on your partner just because of their shortcomings.
You should love your partner and take the time to understand them. They will naturally open their hearts with concern about what is on your mind and what you feel. If you give the right amount of respect to your partner and listen to their opinions and beliefs you will feel more close to them as ever and you will create a good foundation in your relationship.
Throughout our journey, we have discovered we had to become a certain type of being in order for us to have a healthy and successful relationship. We had to do individual work within ourselves then come together as one unit. When we came together as one unit, we had to put something in place to make a shift in our marriage and our mindset.
In that, we started practicing twelve mantras that helped us save our relationship, increase our business and have a positive environment.
Every morning we started our day together saying the following 12 Mantras:
We will succeed together.
We will give no more excuses.
We celebrate each other.
We speak life into each other.
We are solution creators.
We are mastering our gifts individually and together.
We understand the importance of knowing our financial status and goals.
We are not afraid to ask for support.
We respect time, schedules and plans.
We love and respect each other’s uniqueness.
We are accountable for our actions and roles.
We won’t stop.
We want to challenge you to say these twelve mantras every morning for 30 days and you will see a transformation in your relationship and business.
After your 30 days, come back to this article and share in the comments what you discovered together.