“I’m learning that everything doesn’t always come back the way you send it. Sometimes, love is more brick and less boomerang.”
Rudy Francisco
Every relationship has its quirks and challenges. One person might be an extrovert and the other, an introvert. Someone might be enthusiastic about pop culture while the other person prefers international news.
During the honeymoon phase of the relationship, these differences are oftentimes overlooked or jokingly referred to as ‘cute’. But what happens after the love chemicals wear off? When cute becomes frustrating, what sort of conflict resolutions do you adopt? Simply put, you lead with acceptance. Here’s what that looks like:
In the book, The Power of the Four A’s, relationship motivators Greg and Cheryl Clarke goes into depth about the importance of acceptance. The text guides readers step-by-step on how acceptance starts with self and extends itself in your relationships. These actionable steps include the following:
1. Monitor Your Silent Expectations
Silent expectations are unspoken thoughts and feelings of how you think things should be. They can lead to feelings of resentment and unhappiness in your relationship. To combat silent expectations, try doing a self-check-in and ask yourself if you shared your desires with your partner and they agreed to be more intentional? If yes, then a follow-up conversation needs to happen. If not, then a conversation around both your desires should occur.
2. Monitor Your Negative Spin Cycle Thoughts
If during a disagreement you find yourself using absolute phrases such as ‘you always…’ or ‘you never,’ or if you begin thinking these thoughts repeatedly, try taking a pause. Negativity can show up as a form of protection. To better assist you in switching the narrative of these thoughts, try replacing them with a positive aspect you enjoy or appreciate about your partner.
3. Monitor Living in the Present
If you are holding on to a painful experience or memory you have of your partner you are living in the past. Holding on to mistakes as evidence to prove a point doesn’t give the relationship or your partner room to grow. If you find yourself triggered by something your partner says or does, acknowledge your feelings and try to shift your thoughts to the present. Think about how he/she has tried to change and grow.
4. Monitor how you are Showing Empathy
When tensions are high, try putting yourself in your partner’s shoes. Pause and ask yourself, “Am I truly hearing what he/she is saying?” Consider what they need at the moment and offer it to him/her.
Relationships can be challenging. They take effort and intentionality to be successful and long-lasting. When couples unite, greatness is bound to happen. To learn more about the four A’s and how to take your relationship to the next level, check out this page.
Are you willing to be in some level of movement within your marriage? We can get caught up in thinking that MARRIAGE is centered around this great DAY and the pomp and circumstance & the feelings it invokes BUT marriage is not just a ceremony. Marriage in itself is a living ORGANISM comprised of two individuals who have made a COMMITMENT to each other for a cohesive manner to be expressed.
Marriage and everything that comes with it has to be in some state of action so that you know IT is alive. Would you like to be ANYTHING that is not responsive to you and what you wish to accomplish? Any relationship needs PARTICIPATION in order for it to be viable regardless if it is PERSONAL or BUSINESS. But our focus in this post is on the ULTIMATE commitment that is stated between two persons and that is the covenant that you have entered into with EACH OTHER!
It is not a feeling you DESCRIBE but it is an undertaking that has a certain weight to what you have entered into. WE are here to help with how you NAVIGATE your relationship as we have COACHING & MENTORING programs that are there to be an added value of what you are WORKING THROUGH. The atmosphere of GROWTH is always attainable based upon who you HAVE IN YOUR EARS. Give yourself as a COUPLE the opportunity to have QUALITY INDIVIDUALS who will listen and share accordingly based upon what is shared.
So have you taken ADVANTAGE of getting your access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course for only $179TODAY! Not only it is a great EXERCISE of recognizing how MONEY is an overall factor within a relationship but by having these relevant conversations, YOU begin to grow in the possibilities of how you will handle MONEY together! We appreciate you stopping by & Blessings!
This is a glimpse of our 20th Anniversary Renewal and how we have maintained our commitment to EACH OTHER! Your ACTIONS will always speak LOUDER than your words so make them count accordingly!
CONTROL yourself by allowing those things you cannot control to be stepping stones of your WALK together. When you begin to SHAPE the circumstances for your collective benefit within your relationship then the vibration starts to move towards an new level of strength. By moving in this particular spirit, you are moving in an aspect of CREATION where the opportunities of growth becomes more apparent.
ALTER your thinking patterns when it comes to the purpose of your relationship and how it can be enhanced through coaching and communication. By knowing when to allow for things to SHIFT gives a sense of flexibility as you BOTH become aware of your actions, contributions and the MISSION that you should have for your overall commitment to each other. When you are willing for new things to OCCUR within the dynamics of your relationship then you are invoking new possibilities to be established.
DELETE the negative aspects that could be people, places, objects, even your own thoughts…eradicate those things that do not mean you any good for a prosperous union. When you are removing those items that can create BLOCKAGES in your relationship, it will be a process that can produce feelings that you may not like but you must CONFRONT them in order for those vibrations to not take hold again.
Where WE come in is that we co-create an atmosphere with YOU to develop your strengths and defenses so that the TYPE of experience that you wish to have in your relationship becomes a reality and ONE where you can recognize the necessary moves that can and will be made in order for PEACE & LOVE to flourish by working the taught principles. WEARE HERE for your SUCCESSFUL LIFE to be of continued forward process. Anyone who is successful in their lives has a COACH/MENTOR to assist in the overall path for guidance and insight.
Now that we have your attention, if you have not done so the you will need your ACCESS to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course for only $179 TODAY! By taking this course, you are starting to CONTROL how you navigate with money by ALTERING how you are utilizing and you will DELETE those areas where your money is not working for YOU AS A COUPLE! Get your entrance into this course in the here & now! Blessings!
By being willing to CONTROL, ALTER & DELETE in our lives has created opportunities for new experiences! We would like to thank you for being apart of our community here; AS WE GROW SO SHALL YOU!
What you allow in your EARS can be just as important as what you put in your mouth. At times, we may that we are LISTENING to someone as they share with you BUT you could be only HEARING the words. When you are listening to the things being shared with you then you are actually PROCESSING and then you can make decisions upon what is being discussed and respond accordingly. When you are only hearing the words, there is no processing HAPPENING; it is as if the words are just FLEETING in the wind and they are not being CAPTURED.
The EAR allows for information to be shared through major parts of the body. It is a VITAL exercise when it comes to how you are using this ORGAN. It may seem minuscule in size but as an apparatus for gathering information; these two parts of your body can be at times even more important than your EYES. * * The ways we process information via our ears can influence so many actions in our overall lives. You can be in FIGHT or FLIGHT, POWER or SUBSERVIENCE, & INTELLIGENCE or IGNORANCE. These decisions that we can make is based upon the application or lack thereof of what is shared through an AUDITORY delivery.
Now WE can flow to the next step of this overall endeavor when it comes to the thoughts being conveyed to you. So the people in your circle who are FEEDING/SENDING information to you and yours will give a glimpse of where you are going. Are the thoughts UPLIFTING? EMPOWERING? BELITTLING? DESTRUCTIVE? These very items you can deduce based upon what you are LISTENING to and what you are just HEARING! If the words that you are encountering can bring you to another plateau then you should be intently in the LISTEN mode. Now if they are sharing things that can be considered an attempt to DRAG you down then you should HEAR them then THROW THEM AWAY!
This is where WE come into play, we are here to assist in SHEPHERDING the processes of your relationship and to see you to the next manifestation of what YOU CAN BE TOGETHER. If you have the right individuals as your COACHES/MENTORS then you will see an uptick in your activity to grow and become.
Take the time TODAY to get YOUR ACCESS to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course for only $179. WHY? Not only will this course help with your overall LISTENING but it gives you an opportunity to grow in your thoughts and conversations around MONEY and its varied uses. GET YOUR ACCESS TODAY! Blessings!
The person that you are LAYING with has to be your BEST FRIEND and CONFIDANT! Not only is THAT person someone who is there to be a sounding board for you but YOU must be a support system for them as well. Our very human body shows the binary traits of WORKABILITY especially if you attempt to HOLD a BREATH without doing the EXHALE effect. The body is a living organism that has a flow to it and you must see your relationship as a LIVING THING that needs to be nurtured, respected and acknowledged for long term success and growth.
In order for you to go through this plane, you maximize your chances of a successful life when you have someone who can work with you and not against you! Think of it in this manner, NO ONE becomes a success by themselves; we NEED human contact to flourish. Even though that we are in an age of technological advances and we can have less physical contact with each other, a RELATIONSHIP needs those inert interactions that will allow it become one that will create a legacy. YOU NEED EACH OTHER! When you can move in this vibration then you are moving as an individual who gets it. Your BEST FRIEND is someone who is willing to serve you the TRUTH even if it is bitter and if you are sharing the same vibration THEN you are both benefiting for the LONG RUN!
We are moving forward with some exciting offerings that are coming in the near future around MONEY and COMMUNICATION but have you purchased your access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course (click right here) as of yet?! This course is a great investment in growing the necessary actions for your communal success but it is imperative to know who is laboring with YOU as your PARTNER so that you are on the same page! GET YOUR ACCESS TODAY! Continued Blessings and create the conversations that build and shape your relationship starting RIGHT NOW!
By making memories with YOUR BEST FRIEND brings peace and levity within your relationship! We thank you for being apart of our community and remember to dive into the different offerings here today!
Change and evolution are two different characteristics that lead to distinct outcomes. You can CHANGE your clothes but it will not lead to a state of EVOLUTION. Also, you can EVOLVE from one stage to another and depending on the individual they may not CHANGE as a particular past occurrence is blocking the phase to occur.
When we enter certain situations, we can INFER our own beliefs within the context of a relationship which can damage the potential. This is why we make the distinctions between change and evolution so you can SEE that as you EVOLVE as a couple, the focus is never about CHANGING your partner. NO ONE IS PERFECT and in so many ways, our GREATNESS is stimulated via our imperfections as we seek to GROW!
GROWTH happens when we allow ourselves to experience the relationship through the patterns that can occur instead of putting expectations upon it. By being in communication and staying in a true COHESIVE state, you will never seek to CHANGE your partner because there are certain qualities that had you to connect with that person. But as you are to naturally grow together, EVOLUTION has to kick in because you may have met someone in their 20s and grow forward and see them in their 40s still acting like they are in their 20s; someone has been on PAUSE for too LONG!
Here is your chance to get access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course for only $179 by clicking right here or in the pictures. The power starts to grow when you are on a constant path of development and WE are here to SERVE YOU and look into our coaching programs as well SINCE YOU ARE HERE! Blessings!