Are you willing to be in some level of movement within your marriage? We can get caught up in thinking that MARRIAGE is centered around this great DAY and the pomp and circumstance & the feelings it invokes BUT marriage is not just a ceremony. Marriage in itself is a living ORGANISM comprised of two individuals who have made a COMMITMENT to each other for a cohesive manner to be expressed.
Marriage and everything that comes with it has to be in some state of action so that you know IT is alive. Would you like to be ANYTHING that is not responsive to you and what you wish to accomplish? Any relationship needs PARTICIPATION in order for it to be viable regardless if it is PERSONAL or BUSINESS. But our focus in this post is on the ULTIMATE commitment that is stated between two persons and that is the covenant that you have entered into with EACH OTHER!
It is not a feeling you DESCRIBE but it is an undertaking that has a certain weight to what you have entered into. WE are here to help with how you NAVIGATE your relationship as we have COACHING & MENTORING programs that are there to be an added value of what you are WORKING THROUGH. The atmosphere of GROWTH is always attainable based upon who you HAVE IN YOUR EARS. Give yourself as a COUPLE the opportunity to have QUALITY INDIVIDUALS who will listen and share accordingly based upon what is shared.
So have you taken ADVANTAGE of getting your access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course for only $179TODAY! Not only it is a great EXERCISE of recognizing how MONEY is an overall factor within a relationship but by having these relevant conversations, YOU begin to grow in the possibilities of how you will handle MONEY together! We appreciate you stopping by & Blessings!
This is a glimpse of our 20th Anniversary Renewal and how we have maintained our commitment to EACH OTHER! Your ACTIONS will always speak LOUDER than your words so make them count accordingly!
The person that you are LAYING with has to be your BEST FRIEND and CONFIDANT! Not only is THAT person someone who is there to be a sounding board for you but YOU must be a support system for them as well. Our very human body shows the binary traits of WORKABILITY especially if you attempt to HOLD a BREATH without doing the EXHALE effect. The body is a living organism that has a flow to it and you must see your relationship as a LIVING THING that needs to be nurtured, respected and acknowledged for long term success and growth.
In order for you to go through this plane, you maximize your chances of a successful life when you have someone who can work with you and not against you! Think of it in this manner, NO ONE becomes a success by themselves; we NEED human contact to flourish. Even though that we are in an age of technological advances and we can have less physical contact with each other, a RELATIONSHIP needs those inert interactions that will allow it become one that will create a legacy. YOU NEED EACH OTHER! When you can move in this vibration then you are moving as an individual who gets it. Your BEST FRIEND is someone who is willing to serve you the TRUTH even if it is bitter and if you are sharing the same vibration THEN you are both benefiting for the LONG RUN!
We are moving forward with some exciting offerings that are coming in the near future around MONEY and COMMUNICATION but have you purchased your access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course (click right here) as of yet?! This course is a great investment in growing the necessary actions for your communal success but it is imperative to know who is laboring with YOU as your PARTNER so that you are on the same page! GET YOUR ACCESS TODAY! Continued Blessings and create the conversations that build and shape your relationship starting RIGHT NOW!
By making memories with YOUR BEST FRIEND brings peace and levity within your relationship! We thank you for being apart of our community and remember to dive into the different offerings here today!
As we honor the exploits of Chadwick Boseman, it brought us to task in regards to his career and the defining roles he played and the feelings of gratitude that he invoked while on this plane. He not only was a well regarded actor but he represented his community in a REGAL manner. His body of work will be remembered through the annals of time as we are in an age where his contributions will be regarded.
BUT it has us thinking about the WAY that we are utilizing the POWERS that were given to EACH OF US! He played T’Challa, first as the Crown Prince then as the Ruler of the fictional Marvel Kingdom of Wakanda! This is the ROLE that he will be most remembered but it do we use our POWERS to leave a lasting legacy that others can see and feel the impact…we ALL come from the same source even though we can choose to be GREAT or not!
The purpose of manifesting and developing the POWERS (talents) that we have is to not only have accolades but to be able to contribute to the greater society around ALL OF US! Here are some questions that you can ask yourself:
Do you know your own talents (POWERS)?
Do you USE them?
Are you contributing to your COMMUNITY in a worthwhile way by using your talents?
If you know your talents, are you COMBINING them with other GREAT ONES to build and develop?
Will the WORLD remember your NAME when it is all SAID & DONE?
The reason for these questions are not only for YOU but this is something that WE are answering as we continue to develop and help individuals and couples because WE know that our previous accomplishments are now in the past tense. We must assist on a DAILY BASIS those who are connected with US to not only be their best selves PERSONALLY but to leave a greater impression on their respective communities. WE appreciate those who have chosen to be apart of our community and we hope those who are HERE will help to spread the message so that we can ALL grow. The benefits outweigh the work invested due to see the fruits of your very labor.
If you have not received your access to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course then take your OPPORTUNITY by clicking the words to get yourself started with your spouse/partner/boo/etc. for only $179! YOU AREWORTH THE INVESTMENT in developing your POWERS! Grow your legacy today by understanding your potential of GROWTH through application and study! Blessings!
WE are COMBINING our POWERS! We are here to make sure that you are doing the SAME with your CHOSEN PARTNER in LIFE!
Legacy is established when like minds are working towards a collective goal.
Anyone doing things on their own is a lunatic waiting to be formed. Why? Because WE were/are meant to be social beings who can come together for a common Good or Purpose! Your UNION is one where you are BOTH contributing to the greater efforts that this relationship can provide for yourselves and for the world at large.
So creating a relationship that has components of growth from those involved means you are willing to aspire for something greater. Your aspirations are based upon your belief systems, your knowledge base and what you are exposed to intently and through osmosis.
We offer to assist in your relationship journey by creating an atmosphere and a community of like-minded individuals who wish to see others aspire and create their greatness. This is where the COACHING/MENTORING are so important to the path! When you have other eyes gazing upon what you are doing or shaping your belief system for growth, your opportunities begin to grow astronomically within the marketplace.
We hope that you have taken the investment of the Course, the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey, so that your synergy as a COUPLE becomes more pronounced than ever before! GET YOUR ACCESS TODAY!
As married couples, there are many challenges that we may face. For example, keeping the steam in our relationship, balancing family and personal time, and the number one challenge having a steady income to provide for our family.
As parents of 6 children, we have figured out ways to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle as a married couple and entrepreneurs. We created ways to make extra cash and to work from home while still managing the family.
In today’s blog post, we want to share with you seven different ways you can make money with your spouse using your gifts. These steps you can find in our new eBook, “7 Ways To Make Money with Your Honey.”
Here are seven ways:
#1: Program your mindset for success
Your Beliefs determine how successful you will be. We have discovered that your mindset is the essential key to becoming a Success! BELIEF is one of the strongest attributes that you will see in any aspect of your path to reach the next level.
#2: Co-Creating habits of success
Before actually having a Successful Relationship, Family, and Business, you must define what Success means to You & (BOTH OF YOU) as a Couple. You both have to be in 100% Agreement with being entrepreneurs. A couple is only going to be successful when they are in concert with the creation of the vision.
#3: Understanding our why
Because your business will be such a big part of each individual’s life, you BOTH must be on the same page. To attract the life you desire, you’ve got to know that your WHY matters and understand that you were uniquely created. There were divine forces that brought you together.
#4: Successful couples don’t avoid arguments
Do not avoid arguments unless you want to keep running into the same issues, and successful couples don’t have time for that. Unresolved conflicts will hurt your relationship and infiltrate the business negatively. It can lead to your customers and those potential profits to suffer.
#5: Write a shared couples vision
Creating the shared vision will begin to give you both a mental picture in your mind of how the relationship and business life can be.
#6: Mastering your time and money
As new or seasoned entrepreneurs, to generate consistent streams of income and sound sustainable businesses, you must master your time and money. They work together.
#7: Successful couples have mentors
A mentor teaches you the fundamentals that will highlight your fullest potential in life! It is an essential part of their success! They have learned to surround themselves with others that can share their knowledge, wisdom, and experience, creating Greatness Together.
In our eBook, 7 Ways To Make Money With Your Honey, we go into detail on understanding the importance of each of these steps and how you can work on it. We have some examples and worksheets inside the book. Get your copy now here.