Never let yourself entertain the idea of being a TIME WASTER. One occurrence is that WE all have the same time frame within a day to be a PARTICIPANT in what those who are connected to US are moving in. Now we are not saying that you are doing their vocation and/or responsibilities BUT the interactions of someone who is invested in being apart of making someone else to feel RESPECTED is your responsibility at the least.
For the time that we are given to navigate this plane is extremely precious and not receiving the true value of this POTENTIAL becomes SHAMEFUL. You can start INSPECT your path when it comes to those individuals who are the time wasters in your overall neck of the woods. It could be a PARENT, SIBLING, CO-WORKER but the TWO VIBRATIONS that can be considered the WORSE of them all are your SPOUSE/PARTNER and…..YOURSELF! See if it is the LAST TWO then you are on a serious SLOPE that you may not be able to shift from.
If it is your SPOUSE then you must start to recognize how have they become this entity & did YOU have any bearing in their transformation in regards to INTERACTION and COMMUNICATION. If their actions are self generated then a NEW AGREEMENT must be established in order to get back some of the TIME that can be reclaimed going forward. Or if you are creating the areas where TIME is being wasted especially for your PARTNER/SPOUSE then you must check yourself on your influence into these areas where growth is not happening.
Now if it is YOU….then it becomes a self-directed manifestation that you will definitely NEED assistance in. WHY? Due to your movements, you are SELF-SABOTAGING your potential to be as GREAT AS YOU CAN BE! Through the inaction of the EFFORTS in reverse, the energy you are sharing is not producing QUALITY RESULTS which you can grow from. But there is a LESSON within if you can acknowledge it, this lesson is that the type of experiences in your PATH are stunted and being REGULAR is just what YOU WISH TO BE!
If you are in a relationship and you are playing games, KARMA has an interesting way of RE-GIFTING your actions and it might be served very cold. Be responsible that the person with whom you picked is someone you are willing to grow up with into the best POSSIBILITIES within that relationship. With INQUIRY and GUIDANCE, WE are here to SHIFT those conversations and to assist in SHINING a light to bring these areas into ORDER. The COACHING & MENTORING programs that we have created have helped countless people and YOU should be in that number as well to be the BEST that you can be TOGETHER.
Get your ACCESS today to the 7 Ways To Make Money with Your Honey – The Course for $179 (click here) which will assist in developing your GOALS as a COUPLE to eliminating the TIME WASTERS in your life when it comes to finances! You can also join Greg in the Value of Money Seminar that will occur on October 17, 2020 where he will share insights on how your THINKING can be influencing your MONEY CONVERSATIONS, you can click Value of Money right above and get your ticket TODAY! Blessings!
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If this apart of the overall commitment then the ENERGY that you BOTH are sharing will be FRUITFUL and applied accordingly!