Greg and Cheryl Clarke

Greg and Cheryl's new book, "The Power of the 4A's" is now available!

12 Mantras for a Successful Couple

Throughout our journey, we have discovered we had to become a certain type of being in order for us to have a healthy and successful relationship. We had to do individual work within ourselves then come together as one unit. When we came together as one unit, we had to put something in place to make a shift in our marriage and our mindset. 

In that, we started practicing twelve mantras that helped us save our relationship, increase our business and have a positive environment.

Every morning we started our day together saying the following 12 Mantras:

  1. We will succeed together. 
  2. We will give no more excuses.
  3. We celebrate each other. 
  4. We speak life into each other. 
  5. We are solution creators. 
  6. We are mastering our gifts individually and together. 
  7. We understand the importance of knowing our financial status and goals.
  8. We are not afraid to ask for support. 
  9. We respect time, schedules and plans. 
  10. We love and respect each other’s uniqueness. 
  11. We are accountable for our actions and roles. 
  12. We won’t stop. 

We want to challenge you to say these twelve mantras every morning for 30 days and you will see a transformation in your relationship and business. 

After your 30 days, come back to this article and share in the comments what you discovered together.