What you allow in your EARS can be just as important as what you put in your mouth. At times, we may that we are LISTENING to someone as they share with you BUT you could be only HEARING the words. When you are listening to the things being shared with you then you are actually PROCESSING and then you can make decisions upon what is being discussed and respond accordingly. When you are only hearing the words, there is no processing HAPPENING; it is as if the words are just FLEETING in the wind and they are not being CAPTURED.
The EAR allows for information to be shared through major parts of the body. It is a VITAL exercise when it comes to how you are using this ORGAN. It may seem minuscule in size but as an apparatus for gathering information; these two parts of your body can be at times even more important than your EYES.
The ways we process information via our ears can influence so many actions in our overall lives. You can be in FIGHT or FLIGHT, POWER or SUBSERVIENCE, & INTELLIGENCE or IGNORANCE. These decisions that we can make is based upon the application or lack thereof of what is shared through an AUDITORY delivery.
Now WE can flow to the next step of this overall endeavor when it comes to the thoughts being conveyed to you. So the people in your circle who are FEEDING/SENDING information to you and yours will give a glimpse of where you are going. Are the thoughts UPLIFTING? EMPOWERING? BELITTLING? DESTRUCTIVE? These very items you can deduce based upon what you are LISTENING to and what you are just HEARING! If the words that you are encountering can bring you to another plateau then you should be intently in the LISTEN mode. Now if they are sharing things that can be considered an attempt to DRAG you down then you should HEAR them then THROW THEM AWAY!
This is where WE come into play, we are here to assist in SHEPHERDING the processes of your relationship and to see you to the next manifestation of what YOU CAN BE TOGETHER. If you have the right individuals as your COACHES/MENTORS then you will see an uptick in your activity to grow and become.
Take the time TODAY to get YOUR ACCESS to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course for only $179. WHY? Not only will this course help with your overall LISTENING but it gives you an opportunity to grow in your thoughts and conversations around MONEY and its varied uses. GET YOUR ACCESS TODAY! Blessings!
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