The same way we need plants to SUPPLY some of our nutrients, we must be responsible concerning our inputs in our respective relationships. What we SHARE in our relationships is beyond what you are just GIVING…let us go further! DO you know that you can give something without actually sharing it? An example is that YOU can be in a room full of people but if your MIND is not there then technically you are not THERE AS WELL! Another example that can be shared is when someone would love for you to SUPPORT them at an event but you may just purchase the ticket or send someone else in their stead…now you did GIVE something but you did not SHARE yourself in the experience.
Support is a necessary component for a relationship’s survival and without it then it would be better to be alone. SUPPORT is showing UP and being present or making the time to be at the GAME/EVENT for a child who is in participation in an opportunity. WE can always show our resolve in seeing others THRIVE as we actually make the decision to be there FULLY! We have coached, mentored and counseled many couples and THIS comes up ALL OF THE TIME!
“He did not show up” or “She was not there for me” or “I have other things to do” or “My responsibilities over here are taking my time“…..LISTEN, as much as LIFE may have our attention on vocations, careers, etc., WE must also understand that people need those necessary HUMAN INTERACTIONS in order for a SITUATION to thrive.
CHECK-INS are also apart of the process in a thriving environment. If you are not connecting on a daily basis, you are just EXISTING. By sharing these moments, you are not only acknowledging those around you but you may be able to gather some insight that you were not PRIVY to. These may seem like fleeting connections BUT you will be surprised how these are the times that can create the greatest connections because if they become normalized, THEY BUILD OVER TIME!
You can keep this conversation growing and get your ACCESS to the 7 Ways to Make Money with Your Honey – The Course TODAY for only $179 (click the link here while it is still at this price point). By investing in your relationship, you are getting a TOOL that will SUPPORT the both of you and allow your relationship to THRIVE as well. Blessings!
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